
1、People often say that father's love is like a mountain, but in my opinion, my father's love for me is not as severe as a mountain, but sometimes as gentle as water.

2、He never praises how good you are, but secretly laughs proudly in his heart; He is never critical. He just picked out the best and gave it to you.

3、I hope my father will always be healthy, happy and happy, and I will always love you!

4、Send you sunshine, evaporate your tiredness, send you drizzle, wash your tiredness, send you meteors, bring you dreams, take good care of yourself in busy days, and wish you a happy Father's Day!

5、Yesterday, when I met an angel in the rain, I lent her my umbrella. She asked me whether I wanted to be prosperous or rich. I said nothing. As long as my father is healthy and has a happy life in his old age, I wish everyone a happy Father's Day!

6、The most painful thing in life is that when Father's Day comes, we are not around him; The most painful thing in life is to be around him and forget that Father's Day is coming.

7、You are the Tower of the Sea, guiding me home; You are a mountain, supporting a sky; You are quilted, warm body and warm heart; Although you are always silent, silent father love is always with you! Happy holidays, Dad!

8、The broadest is your mind; The roughest is your palm; The most powerful is your arm; The most vicissitudes are your face. Your favorite., It's me and Mom. Dear Dad, Happy Father's Day!

9、QUOT; Who can say that the heart of grass can be rewarded with three spring sunshine! "Dad, I can never repay you for your kindness. Happy Father's Day!

10、Dad, you are virtuous and indifferent. Although you have not given me much material enjoyment, you have left me the most valuable spiritual wealth. Dad, I love you.

11、My blessing is like mung bean soup. It can relieve the summer heat and bring you cool! Happy Father's Day!

12、I will never forget your back, wordless expectation and wrinkles creeping out of your face. How time adorns me, it will waste you like a knife. The unbearable pain of life is your old age. Father's Day, thank you for your father's love!

13、There is no touching soul of historical facts, no reversal of the waves of wind sweeping the sea, and the father's love is deep and speechless, which washes away the ornamentation and leaves a fresh and natural place. It is the warmest harbor for a wandering and helpless soul.

14、Dad, you gave birth to me and nurtured me. I can't live without your support today, but I sometimes speak indiscreetly and offend you. Please don't take it to heart. Today is Father's Day. I wish you a happy holiday!

15、I grew up in your love. Now I grow up and want to repay you with more love. My dearest father, happy Father's Day!

16、Dear Dad, on this special day, all the blessings are packed in your glass with our love, red and deep, until your heart. Happy Father's Day!

17、Take a rest if you are tired, let your children do their best to be filial, beat their backs for you, and let you enjoy happiness!

18、You are a towering tree, and I grow under your shade. One or two sweet and tender berries fell from the tree, which gave me rich nutrition. Dad, I wish you a happy holiday!

19、Father's love supports the sky, protects the wind and the cold, and the children are willing to repay, but can't be around. Today's father's festival, send blessings and wishes to my father, happy, healthy and happy forever!

20、You, my father, who has worked hard all his life but is happy, let me say that I love you on this Father's Day!

21、Because of you, I thank you all my life! Thank you: Dear father!

22、Dad, on this special day, all the blessings are packed in your glass with our love, red and deep, to the bottom of my heart. Thanksgiving Father's Day sentence. Happy Father's Day!

23、Father's love is the greatest. Don't forget to remind him to take care of his health on Father's Day!

24、My pulse is flowing with your blood, my character is deeply branded with your mark, and my thoughts inherit your wisdom. I will never forget all these things, my dear father, happy holidays!

25、My father stood on the bank, watching the scattered days and nights that made up his whole youth slip away irretrievably from his eyes at a constant speed like flowing water.

26、Father's Day is coming. I wish all fathers in the world a happy, healthy and happy Father's Day.

27、At any time, my blessing is your best specific medicine. It is colorless and does not need preservatives. It will not expire. Good luck will always appear after taking it! Happy Father's Day!

28、Father's Day is coming. I just want to say to my beloved father: Dad, I love you.

29、Father's Day is coming, dear father, I wish you health and happiness forever!

30、Wrinkles are deep and deep, and much labor is involved in them; How thick the calluses on your hands are, and how hard you work is hard to count; The white hair adds several roots, and the love coagulates the white head. Dad's Day is coming. I wish Dad a happy and healthy holiday.

31、Maybe I always worry about you and make you angry, but today, let me tell you: Dad, in fact, I love you very much!

32、Father, this is the most equal title among men. There is no decoration of power and fame, no influence of deceit and ambition, and no smell of competition between you and me. On Father's Day, I wish all fathers in the world happiness.

33、The appearance of young fathers: At midnight, they changed diapers. The children were hungry and busy cooking. The children were crying and confused, and their faces were sad. They were horses for the children, and the children were happy no matter how tired they were; Happy Father's Day!

34、Every time I think of you, I am very proud. You always inspire me to work hard. I wish you well on this special festival!

35、Father's love is like a mountain, which is thick and deep and not easy to reveal; Great as a mountain, broad as a mountain, deep as a mountain! Father's Day is coming soon. May your father be healthy and happy!

36、I hope you can enjoy a happy life and make up for your hard work in this year.

37、Father's love is invisible, but it is as heavy as a mountain. Father's love is silent, but it rings through our ears. Father's love, hidden in the eyes of deep feeling, gathers bit by bit without any luxuriance. On Father's Day, don't forget to wish him a happy holiday.

38、Father's love, without water's tenderness, is like the heroic mountain. There is no pure exhortation, but there is an ardent expectation. In the silent growth, in the boundless growth. In fact, children are your lifelong concern. Wish all fathers in the world a happy holiday!

39、A "father" is a happy call; A "father" is a happy link; A "father" is a tangled yearning; "Dad" is a wish for you on Father's Day. Call "Dad" and wish all fathers a happy and safe life!

40、Father's Day is coming. I will give you a back garden. The garden is planted with a wisdom tree, flowing with a spring of sorrow, opening free flowers, and building a bridge of luck. I wish you good luck and a good mood. Happy Father's Day.

41、Dad, how are you recently? Don't worry too much when you are old. Your children will handle their own affairs. You should take care of your health. Today is Father's Day, I wish you a happy holiday!

42、Father, pave the way for children's growth with love, and guide children to the other side of life with heart. Father's Day is coming, don't forget to greet him!

43、The most beloved father: the way of discipline is strict, the way of care is benevolent, the educational thought is scientific, the way of raising a family is struggling, the way of getting rich is efficient, and the family is well-off in advance. Father's Day is coming. I sincerely wish my father healthy, safe and happy.

44、For maternal love, fatherly love is even more magnificent and broad! Tomorrow is Father's Day. Don't forget to send a holiday blessing to your father. Also wish all the dads in the world happy and healthy!

45、Father's love is like a mountain, tall and lofty, which makes me afraid to climb.

46、This couplet is dedicated to the world's greatest father: the first couplet: the father has worked hard all his life and devoted himself to the happiness of his children; the second couplet: children cannot return to their homes on a temporary holiday. Only one couplet is written to wish the father peace

47、Father's love is a broad ocean, which has the power to tolerate everything. We should bring warmth into our chest, put strength beside us, support the happy shade for our children, and shed sunshine for our children. On Father's Day, I wish my father a happy life!

48、The most precious thing in the world is friendship. The most romantic thing is love. The most moving thing is love. The most rare thing is true love. The most annoying thing is your mood. I wish you a good mood every day and a happy Father's Day!

49、Maybe in the eyes of others, you are just an ordinary person, but your integrity makes me think that you are great and extraordinary. Thank you, Dad. Happy holidays.

50、I firmly believe that if there is such a thing in the world that does not ask for return, it must be fatherly love. The signs of fatherly love's aging silently witness the depth of this love, and that there is a feeling that life is not right to love. How can it be described as a touch

51、Father, what is broader than the sea is the sky, and what is broader than the sky is your mind. The wrinkles on your forehead and the silver hair on your head record frustrations. Your life is a beautiful poem.

52、The hot June is full of gratitude, and the Father's Day has arrived quietly. Father's Day is coming, tell him your wishes!

53、Father's Day is coming. I want to say to you: Dad, when you are old, I will inherit your wishes, stay by your side, and sing beautiful songs to wash your feet, so that you can have a happy old age!

54、Father's love is a crutch, so let's not stumble in life.

55、Dad, Mom, I wish you good health forever. Happy every day. My daughter's gratitude to Dad and Mom is beyond words. Thank you!

56、It was you who nurtured me and gave me tough muscles and strong physique; It is you who cultivated me and gave me a pure soul. I sincerely thank you for your beautiful ideal, Father!

57、Although you do not have delicate love, you have a rough mind, which teaches me to face the future firmly and not fall down easily when encountering setbacks and difficulties. Thank you, Dad. Happy Father's Day!