
1、Christmas time is here. I hope you have a wonderful new year. May every day hold happy hours for you. 圣诞来临,祝新年快乐,愿你时时刻刻幸福欢乐!

2、圣诞节到了,送你一座“幸福花园”,开心与快乐推开两扇门,吉祥如意是幸福围墙,园里载着圣诞树,树上结满甜蜜果,树下流着忘忧泉,愿你戴着温暖圣诞帽,逍遥自在度过美丽的圣诞节。 Christmas is here, and I will give you a "happy garden". With two doors open for happiness and happiness, good luck is like a happy wall. The garden is filled with Christmas trees, which are filled with sweet fruits. Under the trees, there is a fountain of forgetfulness. May you wear a warm Christmas hat and spend the beautiful Christmas season freely.

3、语言平淡但是祝福不平淡;关怀平凡但是真心不平凡;圣诞一年又一年,不变的是牵挂到永远,短信寄语真诚在心间,愿朋友圣诞开心,好运连连! The language is plain but the blessings are not plain; Caring for the ordinary but genuinely extraordinary; Christmas year after year, what remains unchanged is caring for you forever. SMS messages are sincere in your heart. May your friends have a happy Christmas and good luck!

4、吉祥如意喜眉梢,辉煌一生宏图耀。圣诞喜乐颜! Auspicious and happy, brilliant life. Merry christmas!

5、通知:今年圣诞节,圣诞老人贵体欠安,想要礼物的朋友们,请登陆圣诞老人博客,凭积分点击下载礼物券。转发此信息可获取积分,下载密码是:圣诞快乐! Notice: This Christmas, Santa Claus is feeling unwell. Friends who want gifts, please log in to Santa Clauss blog and click to download gift vouchers with points. Forwarding this information can earn points, and the download password is: Merry Christmas!

6、Christmas time is here. I hope you have a wonderful New Year. May every day hold happy hours for you. 圣诞来临,祝新年快乐,愿你时时刻刻幸福欢乐!

7、冬天很冷,总怕你会穿得少;献上一件棉服,给你带去一生温暖;给你送上一句祝福,让你新的一年平平安安;亲爱的,圣诞节,我日日月月永远想着你。 Its very cold in winter, and Im afraid youll wear less; Offering a cotton jacket to bring you a lifetime of warmth; May I send you a wish for a peaceful and peaceful new year; Dear, Christmas, I will always think of you day and month after month.

8、摘一个圣诞树上的银果,让吉祥如意常伴随。摘一片绿叶拿回家,让幸福美满常在。向圣诞老人许个愿,让你快乐高兴每一天。摸一下圣诞帽,让洪福长留。愿你圣诞节愉悦健康! Pick a silver fruit from a Christmas tree and keep good luck always with you. Pick a green leaf and bring it home, let happiness and happiness stay forever. Make a wish to Santa Claus to make you happy every day. Touch the Christmas hat and let Hong Fu stay for a long time. Wishing you a happy and healthy Christmas!

9、片片雪花,传递我的祝福;阵阵冬风,送达我的思念。我愿是暖暖阳光,让你不惧严寒;我愿是圣诞老人,给你礼物满满。又到一年圣诞,祝你快乐吉祥! Snowflakes, conveying my blessings; Waves of winter breeze deliver my longing. I wish it were warm sunshine, so that you wouldnt be afraid of the cold; I wish to be Santa Claus, giving you plenty of gifts. Christmas is coming again. Wishing you happiness and auspiciousness!

10、圣诞节快乐!因为牵了你的手,所以我要抓住你的手。给你幸福给你快乐相伴永远!我爱你! Merry christmas! Because holding your hand, so i want to hold your hand. To give you happiness to your companions happy forever! I love you!

11、也许岁月将往事褪色,或许空间将彼此隔离.但值得珍惜的依然是知心的友谊.想再次对你说声:圣诞节快乐! Perhaps years will memories fade, perhaps space will be insulated from each other. But it is worth to cherish is still a close friendship. Would like to once again say to you:Merry christmas!

12、都说流星有求必应,我愿意守在星空之下,等到一颗星星被我感动,划破长空,载着我的祝福落在你枕边,祝你圣诞节快乐! It is said that meteors always respond to your requests, and I am willing to stay under the starry sky. When a star is moved by me and cuts through the sky, it carries my blessings and falls on your pillow. Wishing you a happy Christmas!

13、祝你圣诞快乐又美妙,幸福生活永围绕! I wish you a merry Christmas and a wonderful and happy life.

14、圣诞节上庆圣诞,平安夜里送平安,圣诞老人驾驯鹿,圣诞贺卡载祝福。祝你圣诞快乐,合家幸福,财源滚滚,好运连连,健康安泰,美好未来! Celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve, send peace on Christmas Eve, Santa Claus drives reindeer, and Christmas greeting cards carry blessings. Wishing you a Merry Christmas, a happy family, abundant wealth, good luck, good health, and a bright future!

15、你的笑脸才是最美的圣诞节礼物。 Your smile is the most beautiful Christmas present.

16、在雪花还没有飘落,圣诞神灯还没有点亮,圣诞靴子还没有挂起,带小红帽的圣诞老人还没有到来的时候……我早早给你送去祝福:圣诞快乐! Before snowflakes fall, Christmas lights are lit, Christmas boots are hung up, and Santa Claus with a red hat arrives... I sent you my blessings early on: Merry Christmas!

17、其实我一直相信等你出现的时候我就知道是你。亲爱的,平安夜快乐! In fact, I always believe that when you appear, I will know it is you. Dear, happy Christmas Eve!

18、愿你们的圣诞光彩夺目! May your Christmas be bright!

19、做一回平安夜的使者,向你报一声平安,做一回圣诞节的圣诞老人,向你派发回快乐;做一回梦幻里爱的天使,向你播撒回幸福;做一回无所不能的神灵,实现你的心愿吧!圣诞快乐,马上许愿! Be a messenger on Christmas Eve, proclaim peace to you, be Santa Claus for Christmas, and send you joy back; Be an angel of love in a dream, sowing back happiness to you; Be an omnipotent deity and fulfill your wish! Merry Christmas, make a wish now!

20、圣诞老人说,今年他要把礼物放在我们两个人的袜子里。所以,平安夜你要陪在我身边。 Santa said that this year he will put the gift in our socks. So, you should be with me on Christmas Eve.

21、圣诞的钟声还未敲响,我的祝福早来到:一祝圣诞心情好,二祝工作高升早,三祝烦恼都吓跑,四祝开心只到老,五祝欢聚真美妙,六祝快乐乐逍遥。 The bell of Christmas has not yet sounded, and my blessings have arrived early: First, I wish you a good Christmas mood; Second, I wish you a good start to work; Third, I wish you all the worries are scared away; Fourth, I wish you happiness until old age; Fifth, I wish you a wonderful gathering; Sixth, I wish you happiness and carefree.

22、我把雪花放在手上,它融化在我的手中;我把铃铛敲响,声音回荡在我的耳畔;我把祝福轻轻折好,愿它到达 你的心间:祝你圣诞快乐! I put the snowflake in my hand, and it melted in my hand; I rang the bell, and the sound echoed in my ears; I gently fold my blessings and wish them to reach your heart: Wishing you a Merry Christmas!

23、水在流,鱼在游,游戏依靠耶稣忘忧愁!风在吹,雨在下,耶稣对你笑一下!耶稣心,最知心,和主聊天最开心!主有爱,你有情,愿你天天好心情!靠主常常喜乐!圣诞快乐! Water is flowing, fish are swimming, and the game relies on Jesus to forget sorrow! The wind is blowing, the rain is falling, Jesus smiles at you! Jesus Heart, the most intimate, the happiest to chat with the Lord! God has love, you have emotions, may you have a good mood every day! Relying on the Lord often brings joy! Merry Christmas!

24、快乐冒泡了,喜气洋洋,心花怒放;吉祥绽放了,洋洋洒洒,好运满屋;平安驾到了,日子美美,福寿无边;财气笼罩了,财源滚滚,一路发达;心情荡漾了,欢喜连连,溢于言表;圣诞来到了,心田美美,乐不思蜀;祝福送达了,情真谊切,温润你心:祝圣诞快乐! Happiness is bubbling, full of joy, and my heart is in full bloom; Auspiciousness bloomed, overflowing, and good luck filled the room; Safe driving, beautiful sun, boundless blessings and longevity; Wealth is enveloped, and the source of wealth is rolling, developing all the way; My mood rippled, and joy kept flowing, overflowing with words; Christmas has arrived, my heart is beautiful, and I am not fond of Sichuan; Blessings have been delivered, with sincere friendship and warm heart: Wishing you a Merry Christmas!

25、May Christmas and the New Year be filled with happiness for you. 愿你圣诞和新年幸福无尽。

26、因为你们,我享受着亲情的温暖,品尝着美味的佳肴,我最敬爱的父母,愿你们圣诞节快乐,永远健康快乐,深爱你的儿子满怀着思念,为你献上最真挚的祝福。 Because of you, I enjoy the warmth of family affection and taste delicious food. My most respected parents, may you have a happy Christmas, always healthy and happy. I deeply love your son, full of longing, and offer you the most sincere blessings.

27、微信早一点迟一点,收到就好;礼物有大有小,诚心就好;朋友不在乎多少,有我就好;平安夜无聊,找我就好!只愿你的圣诞节,快乐就好! WeChat earlier or later, just receive it; Gifts can be big or small, sincerity is good; Friends dont care much, just have me; Christmas Eve is boring, just come find me! May your Christmas be happy!

28、把诚意留下,把祝福送出,把情谊留下,把温暖送出,把回忆留下,把关心送出,把责任留下,把幸福送出,把圣诞留下,把圣诞祝福送出,愿你圣诞快乐。 Keep sincerity, send blessings, friendship, warmth, memories, care, responsibility, happiness, Christmas, and blessings. Wishing you a happy Christmas.

29、风飘着醉人的钟声,每一声都是我对你的祝福,愿我的祝福化成点点星光,在这个圣诞夜里陪伴你,过一个美好的圣诞夜,祝你圣诞快乐! The wind blows with the intoxicating sound of bells, and every sound is my blessing to you. May my blessings turn into little stars and accompany you on this Christmas night. Have a wonderful Christmas Eve, and wish you a happy Christmas!

30、我要把一切喜庆变成奶油,所有祝福揉成巧克力,永远快乐做成蛋糕砸向你!然后说声圣诞快乐! I am going to put all festival into a cream, all blessing into chocolate, always happy to make a cake to hit to you! Then you say merry christmas!

31、愿圣诞的快乐一年四季常在。 May the joy of Christmas be with you all the year round.

32、平安夜我们去聚餐,圣诞夜我们去唱歌,狂欢夜我们去蹦迪。我要和你在一起! We go to dinner on Christmas Eve, we go to sing on Christmas Eve, and we go to tiaodi on carnival night. I want to be with you!

33、你吃的挺胖,你装的挺像,你插着钢笔,不会算帐,就会晚上尿炕!圣诞节快乐! You eat very fat,you like,with pen,you won't get,will night urine kang!Merry Christmas!

34、今天寒风凛冽,心中充满温暖,圣诞树挂满诚诚的心愿,圣诞歌唱出美美的心声,圣诞老人送出闪闪的礼物,我则送上真挚贴心的祝福,愿您圣诞快乐,吉祥如意,万事顺心,美梦成真! Today, the cold wind is chilly, and my heart is filled with warmth. The Christmas tree is filled with sincere wishes, Christmas sings with beautiful voices, Santa Claus gives sparkling gifts, and I send sincere and thoughtful wishes. May you have a happy Christmas, good luck, all the best, and your dreams come true!

35、为答谢多年来的关心支持,特在圣诞节大酬宾!凡在我心中有一定地位的人都将获得由我提供的价值人民币一毛的圣诞短信一条。以表达我的祝福:圣诞快乐! To express our gratitude for years of care and support, we would like to offer a grand Christmas treat! Anyone with a certain status in my heart will receive a Christmas text message worth one cent RMB provided by me. To express my blessings: Merry Christmas!

36、圣诞了,敲响圣诞钟,福运无边;吹响快乐号,开心无比;绽放美好花,幸福无限;送达圣诞福,真挚无比:祝圣诞节开心,幸福到永远! Christmas is coming, ringing the Christmas bell brings endless blessings; Blow the trumpet of happiness, feeling incredibly happy; Blooming beautiful flowers, infinite happiness; Delivery of Christmas blessings, sincere and incomparable: Wishing Christmas a happy and everlasting happiness!

37、又逢圣诞佳节,祝你节日快乐,万事遂愿! I wish you a happy christmas and all the best!

38、Thinking of you and wishing you a beautiful Christmas season. 美丽的圣诞节之际,谨致我的思念与祝福。

39、圣诞佳节到来,你可知道,我正在某个角落里想着你,此时此刻思念就穿梭在我们彼此心间。祝圣诞快乐! Christmas is coming, do you know that I am thinking of you in a corner, and at this moment, longing shuttles between our hearts. Wishing you a Merry Christmas!

40、紫色的雪花,白色的冬天,红色的圣诞,暖色的季节,在这宁静的时刻,提前祝你圣诞快乐! Purple snow, white winter, red Christmas, warm season, in this quiet moment, I wish you a happy Christmas in advance!

41、雪花飞舞,增添冬日的浪漫;灯火缤纷,点亮欢乐的圣诞之夜;银铃响动,细听风声中的心愿祝福;坐拥炉火,共享此刻美好时光。祝圣诞快乐! Snowflakes dancing, adding winter romance; Colorful lights illuminate the joyful Christmas night; The silver bell rings, listening carefully to the wishes and blessings in the wind; Sitting by the fire, sharing the beautiful moments of this moment. Wishing you a Merry Christmas!

42、开心的心情,即将奔放,欢喜的祝福,即将远航,幸福的日子,即将陪伴,圣诞的钟声,即将相伴,美好的生活,愿你欢喜不断,圣诞节的狂欢,愿你潇洒无憾。 A happy mood, about to be unrestrained, joyful blessings, about to sail, happy days, about to be accompanied, Christmas bells, about to be accompanied, a beautiful life. May you continue to be joyful, and the Christmas revelry may you be free from regrets.

43、圣诞节,为你种下一棵圣诞树,用友谊灌溉,能生出真诚之根、发出关怀之芽、长出感恩之叶、立起健康之冠、结出快乐之果,开出幸福之花! Christmas, we plant a Christmas tree for you, irrigated with friendship. It can give birth to sincere roots, sprout caring buds, grow grateful leaves, crown health, bear happy fruits, and bloom with flowers of happiness!

44、With all good wishes for a brilliant and happy Christmas season. Hope things are going all right with you. 在这辉煌快乐的圣诞佳节,献上一切美好的祝福!祝一切顺心如意!

45、火辣辣的是太阳,红彤彤的是笑脸,滚烫烫的是祝福,笑哈哈的是快乐,热腾腾的是幸福,喜洋洋的是圣诞,傻乎乎的是看短信的人儿,祝你节日愉快! The sun is scorching, the smiling face is red, the blessings are hot, the happiness is laughing, the happiness is hot, the Christmas is joyful, and the silly people are reading text messages. Wishing you a happy holiday!

46、时钟滴滴答答,时光从指间流走。铃声叮叮当当,笑容在心间绽放。炉火熊熊,烛光摇曳,当钟声响起,将所有心愿挂上五彩的圣诞树,将幸福快乐收藏心间! The clock ticks, time flows through the fingers. The bell jingled, and a smile bloomed in my heart. The fire is blazing, the candlelight is flickering. When the bell rings, hang all your wishes on the colorful Christmas tree, and collect happiness and joy in your heart!

47、Merry Christmas and happy New Year! 圣诞快乐,恭贺新禧!

48、圣诞小贺卡捎去我温暖如春的问候,祝您拥有幸福甜美的新年。 Christmas greeting cards take my warm greetings to spring,and I wish you a happy and sweet new year.

49、圣诞节就快到了,我把收藏了一年的喜气、福气、财气、瑞气、运气统统装进一个精美的盒子里,在圣诞节那天,让圣诞老人带去送给你,祝你圣诞快乐! Christmas is coming soon, and I have packed all the blessings, blessings, wealth, luck, and good luck that I have collected for a year into a beautiful box. On Christmas Day, let Santa Claus bring them to you and wish you a happy Christmas!

50、凡事的喜怒哀乐由心生,幸福苦恼全凭自己感悟,是非对错也靠自己判断,天空晴朗多份明亮,乌云密布也多份体验,不常联系,短信问候,祝一切都好,圣诞快乐! The joys and sorrows of everything come from the heart, happiness and distress are all based on ones own perception, and right or wrong also depends on ones own judgment. The sky is clear and bright, and dark clouds cover many experiences. Dont keep in touch, send greetings via SMS, wish everything well, and have a happy Christmas!

51、心在飞扬,情在高昂。平安夜让我们一起,去聆听圣诞的钟声好吗? Heart in float in the sky,feeling stmas Eve let us together,to listen to the ding of the Christmas?

52、愿你圣诞心愿现,快乐笑声永不断! May your christmas wish come true and your laughter last forever!

53、无尽的爱恋与祝福,献给我的爱妻,你永远是我珍贵的圣诞礼物和我的一切! Endless love and blessings to my beloved wife, you will always be my precious Christmas gift and everything to me!

54、愿你过个最愉快的圣诞节。 May you have the best Christmas ever.

55、音乐卡是我的挂念,钟声是我的问候,歌声是我的祝福,雪花是我的贺卡,美酒是我的飞吻,清风是我的拥抱,快乐是我的礼物!圣诞快乐! Music cards are my thoughts, bells are my greetings, songs are my blessings, snowflakes are my greeting cards, wine is my kisses, the breeze is my embrace, and happiness is my gift! Merry Christmas!

56、Christmas greetings and best wishes! 致圣诞贺忱与最美好的祝福!
