
1、Wish you all the luck, the Dragon Boat Festival is happy.

2、heart hangs on you, a love bless you, a true feeling is waiting for your response. Happy Dragon Boat Festival!

3、May the blessings of Dragon Boat Festival fill your life with happiness and success.

4、温馨的祝福追着你,情意绵绵。祝你端午开心,心情舒畅!Warm wishes follow you,affectionate、 I wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival and a happy mood!

5、It smells warm, tastes sweet, swallows happy, aftertaste happy, Dragon Boat Festival happy!闻起来是温馨,吃起来是甜蜜,咽下去是幸福,回味着是美满,端午节快乐!

6、Dragon Boat Festival, I wish you no trouble, slippery happiness!端午节,祝你无烦无恼,溜溜地幸福!

7、Fate, let me meet you; Happy, let me know you; Passions, reminds me of you; Friendship, let us together; Information, let me have to send you; Wish you all the luck, the Dragon Boat Festival is happy

8、Dear friends, the Dragon Boat Festival is coming. May we remember the virtues of our ancestors, keep our persistence and create the present beauty.亲爱的朋友,端午节来临,愿我们记忆先人的贤德,保留自己的坚持,创造当下的美好。


10、Dragon boat with corn, and happiness fill one house; TangXian wrapped in happiness, eat no bitterness; Fragrant reed mugwort boil, walked a long way; See sentient beings ai is interested in, and you this life.

11、to a hung your heart, a love of your blessing, a true feelings are waiting for your response。 I wish a happy Dragon Boat Festival!

12、you are sentimental crow, you are wriggling frog, you are white pachyrhizus, you are in my heart, I think red shrimp blessing see my message fool: always flow happy chat, wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy!

13、There are isolated together, respectively, the longer the more intimate. I want to tell you that I particularly like the Dragon Boat Festival you.

14、May you be blessed with success, happiness, and prosperity on this Dragon Boat Festival and always!

15、Not often contact, but must heart, As friends, I wish you happy Dragon Boat Festival

16、愿鲜花与绿叶结伴,点缀你绚丽的人生,愿你端午节快乐!May flowers and green leaves accompany you to decorate your gorgeous life.May you have a happy Dragon Boat Festival!

17、Dragon Boat Festival brings good mood and brings good life.

18、吃粽子,送祝福,生活美满富足!端午安康!Eat zongzi, send blessings, live happily and riches! Dragon Boat Festivalis healthy!

19、May the spirit of the Dragon Boat Festival bring you lots of happiness, joy, and vitality.

20、Let the sunshine enter your window, let happiness fly to you! Happy Dragon Boat Festival!让阳光走进你的`窗,让快乐飞到你身旁!祝端午节快乐!

21、May you be happy, happy, lucky, happy and healthy during the Dragon Boat Festival.愿你在端午节,粽是开心,粽是快乐,粽是好运,粽是幸福,粽是健康。

22、peach son red, apricot yellow, fifth is the son of DuanYang, zongzi incense, packet five grain, wrapped candy strip a zongzi, a happy life million older, wish you happy Dragon Boat Festival!

23、heard during the Dragon Boat Festival this year, out of a strange, I was just passing through, but I do not think I saw everything: the pig actually really like people holding mobile phone text messages are read!

24、May the fragrance of the rice dumplings and festival spirits bring you peace and happiness!

25、ng off your coat, you are so Bainen, in light of the Youxiang, Tianyi Tian again on a bite, my heart fly Cloud Nine, ah, I love dumplings!

26、端午节,送你粽子一个,愿你幸福围绕,好运相随,端午快乐!Dragon Boat Festival, send you a zongzi, wish you happiness around, goodluck to follow, happy Dragon Boat Festival!

27、Every year the Dragon Boat Festival, every minute of happiness, happy heart over the Dragon Boat Festival!年年岁岁端午节,分分秒秒幸福时,开开心心过端午!

28、Wishing you a wonderful Dragon Boat Festival filled with lots of fun and laughter.

29、May you be happy every day and good things come to you. Dragon Boat Festival is happy and the whole family is happy. Dragon Boat Festival is coming. Happy to you in advance!愿你天天开心,好事连连降临。端午快快乐乐,合家欢欢喜喜。端午节将到,提前祝你愉快!

30、say: to see the person of message Dragon Boat Festival is happy!

31、Dragon Boat Festival has arrived. May your friends enjoy Zongxiang happily and enjoy dragon boats happily.

32、use a wisp of spring breeze, the two drops of summer rain, 3-piece akiha, four flower, make it snows colorful box; Floating ribbons waving discus with eight, nine points sincere, very enthusiastic, put them in countless wishes to you, let the Dragon Boat Festival good luck.

33、used to force you to eat dumplings。 Today, Haier is not the mother who, by weaving a message sent to your virtual dumplings, Mr Laofulaomu world peace!

34、short message, bless strings: Dragon Boat Festival arrived, wish happy, a happy heart; Healthy, unwind; Completely round, boon conjugal love; HeHeMeiMei, thriving!


36、God see you lonely, so he created you friend I, the Dragon Boat Festival arrived, I wish you a happy holiday, eat more rice dumplings!

37、愿我能把世上最好的祝福带给你,祝端午节快乐!May I can put the best blessing to you,and wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy!

38、The arrival of summer, wish you good mood, had dropped greetings, in this moment, all the concern with compensation, condensing this message, wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy

39、May the Dragon Boat Festival be filled with happiness and happiness and good luck.祝端午快乐笑满家园,生活美满好运连连。

40、愿你心情快乐到,工作顺利高升到,财源滚滚发财到,友情爱情甜蜜到,生活美好幸福到。May your mood be happy,your work be successful,your wealth be rich,your friendship and love be sweet,and your life be happy、

41、你是多愁善感的乌鸦,你是活蹦乱跳的青蛙,你是洁白的地瓜,你是我心中火红的大虾,我想祝福看我短信的傻瓜:永远流着幸福的哈拉,祝端午节快乐!you are sentimental crow, you are wriggling frog, you are white pachyrhizus, you are in my heart, I think red shrimp blessing see my message fool: always flow happy chat, wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy!

42、May your mood be happy, your work be successful, your wealth be rich, your friendship and love be sweet, and your life be happy.愿你心情快乐到,工作顺利高升到,财源滚滚发财到,友情爱情甜蜜到,生活美好幸福到。

43、Wishing you a safe and successful Dragon Boat Festival filled with lots of adventure!

44、May you enjoy the beauty of the sunshine, bloom a brilliant smile, tread on the pace of peace, and embark on the road of happiness!

45、Dragon boat racing, sweet and happy harvest together. I wish you happiness every day. Dragon Boat Festival is here. Happy Dragon Boat Festival to you!

46、愿你端午节快乐,好运粽在身边,幸福满舟围!May you have a happy Dragon Boat Festival,good luck and happiness around you!

47、Let the Dragon Boat Festival be a time to celebrate life, and cherish the precious moments of happiness and love with your family and friends!

48、Wish you and your families have a nice holiday!

49、用一缕春风,两滴夏雨,三片秋叶,四朵冬雪,做成五颜六色的礼盒;打着七彩八飘的丝带,用九分真诚,十分热情,装进无数祝福送给你,愿端午节好运。use a wisp of spring breeze, the two drops of summer rain, 3-piece akiha, four flower, make it snows colorful box; Floating ribbons waving discus with eight, nine points sincere, very enthusiastic, put them in countless wishes to you, let the Dragon Boat Festival good luck.

50、Happy Dragon Boat Festival, happy to find!端午佳节好,幸福快乐找!

51、The Dragon Boat Festival is here. I wish you all the best.

52、 The Dragon Boat Festival is fragrant with brown seeds. The dragon boat race is busy. It's necessary to step on the green boat as soon as possible. Artemisia argyi hangs on the door. The Dragon Boat Festival custom can't be forgotten! Happy Dragon Boat Festival!端午粽子香,龙舟比赛忙,踏青要赶早,艾蒿挂门上,端午风俗不能忘!祝端午节快乐!

53、I say: to see the person of message Dragon Boat Festival is happy!

54、As friends, I wish you happy Dragon Boat Festival

55、朋友,端午节到了,别忘了提醒身边的人吃粽子啊!Friends, Dragon Boat Festival is coming. Dont forget to remind people around you to eat zongzi.

56、I would like to bring you the best wishes in the world. Happy Dragon Boat Festival!我愿意把世上最好的祝福带给你,祝端午节快乐!

57、May you have a joyful Dragon Boat Festival filled with happiness and prosperity.

58、zongzi, wrapped in honey, honey, and greet you with a greeting. Happy Dragon Boat Festival!

59、Wishing you a happy and prosperous Dragon Boat Festival, filled with love, laughter, and joy!

60、愿你畅享日光的美妙,绽放灿烂的微笑,踩着平安的步调,踏上幸福的大道!May you enjoy the beauty of the sunshine,bloom a brilliant smile,tread on the pace of peace,and embark on the road of happiness!

61、Happy Dragon Boat Festival! May the waters be calm and the boats be swift.

62、Celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival with your favorite rice dumplings and the warmth of loved ones!

63、端午到了,我送你一个爱心粽子!祝你梦中有我,天天都有一个好心情!Dragon Boat Festival is coming、 I'll give you a loving dumpling!May you have me in your dream and have a good mood every day!

64、祝福声声不间断,送来欢乐满人间,祝端午快乐无限!Bless the sound, bring joy to the world, wish the Dragon Boat Festivalhappiness!
