1、平安夜,钟声响,喜悦温馨把歌唱!雪花飞,心里美,祝福平安家更美!祝平安夜快乐!愿你平安到永远!开心到永远! On Christmas Eve, the bell ring, the joy and sweet singing! Snowflakes fly, sweet pink-fleshed radish, bless peace home more beautiful! I wish a happy Christmas Eve! Peace be to you forever! Happy forever!

2、飘落的雪花,组合成平安的形状;让真挚的祝愿,包含着平安的内容;在平安夜的晚上,传递着有关平安的祝福。朋友,平安夜里,愿你平安,愿你快乐! The falling snow, combined into the shape of a peace; Let the sincere wish, contain the content of peace; On Christmas Eve night, convey about the blessing of peace。 Friend, Christmas Eve, peace be to you, wish you happy!

3、平安夜的欢乐,为你伴跑。 The joy of Christmas Eve runs with you.

4、天空飘落洁白的雪花,转眼间平安夜又到,思念久违的你,不知你一切可好,小小短信把深深的情意捎,祝你平安夜快乐,生活幸福! The sky falling snow, white Christmas Eve in a twinkling of an eye to again, miss out you, I dont know everything okay, you little messages the deep affection to give, I wish you a happy Christmas Eve, happy life!

5、平安的棉衣,裹着你,愿你健康如意。 Peace of cotton padded clothes, wrapped in you, wish you good health.

6、愿你的事业兴旺的像不灭炉火,愿你的财富累积的像漫天雪花,愿你的心情快乐的像礼堂钟声,愿你的幸福美满的像初上华灯。平安夜快乐。 Let not your career flourishing as put out the fire, I wish you wealth accumulation as man snowflakes, let your mood happy like hall bells, wish you happy like lights on the early。 Happy Christmas Eve。

7、平安夜里雪花飘,飘来快乐满天飞。 On Christmas Eve, the snowflakes are floating and the sky is full of happiness.

8、平安夜的雪花飘落,带着我的祝福飞进你的心窝。我按动快乐的钢琴键,用真诚为你弹奏圣诞赞歌,愿你在新的一年里无忧无虑,天天快乐! Christmas Eve snow, with my blessing flew into your heart. I clicked happy piano keys, with playing Christmas carols for you sincerely, wish you happy in the New Year, happy every day!

9、愿你平安夜健康幸福,平安快乐! Wish you health and happiness on Christmas Eve, peace and happiness!

10、平安夜,藏平安,尝苹果。 Christmas Eve, hide peace, taste apples.

11、Merry Christmas Eve,my best friend。 祝我的挚友平安夜快乐。

12、雪夜的静谧,心灵的沉淀,自由的飞翔,星光的灿烂,美丽的烟花,美丽的心情,幸福的生活,快乐的狂欢,真挚的祝福,平安的夜晚。平安夜,愿你身体健康,幸福平安! hakodate is quiet, the heart of the precipitation, free flying, star bright, the beautiful fireworks, beautiful mood, happy life, happy carnival, sincere blessings, peace night。 on christmas eve, wish you good health, peace and happiness!

13、愿你平安,一生幸福。 Wish you peace and happiness all your life.

14、愿我的祝福你蓝天一样照耀你,愿我的短信像白云一样飘向你,愿我的祝福像微风一样吹向你,愿我的祝福像短信一样送给你:祝平安夜快乐,圣诞节快乐! may i wish you the blue sky shine upon you, let my messages like white clouds float to you, i like the breeze blow a blessing to you, i like sms send to you a blessing: i wish a happy christmas eve, merry christmas!

15、没有你的时侯,色彩是单一的,没有你的时侯,饭菜是无味的,没有你的时侯,我是空心的!平安夜快乐! Without you, colors are singular. Without you, food is tasteless. Without you, I am hollow! Happy Christmas Eve!

16、平安夜的礼花,为你照耀。 Christmas Eve Fireworks shine for you.

17、平安夜!迷人的夜,浪漫的夜,平平安安的夜,美好的夜,让我们一起享受这难得的夜晚!祝你平安夜平平安安,快快乐乐! Christmas Eve! The charming night, romantic night, go in peace night, good night, let us enjoy the great night! Wish your Christmas Eve in peace, be happy!

18、陪着平安歌唱,愿好运永远守你身旁。 Singing with peace, may good luck always be by your side.

19、圣诞将至气氛浓,短信祝福情意重;洗洗袜子挂床边,装满礼物乐无边;扫扫烟囱生火炉,温暖节日心满足。预祝你:平安夜美梦绵绵,圣诞节快乐连连! Christmas atmosphere will be thick, SMS blessing affective weight; Wash your socks hanging bed, full of present joy endless; Sweep the chimney stove, warm heart meet the festival。 I wish you: dream on Christmas Eve, merry Christmas!

20、平安夜,送你一个苹果两个橙,保你平平安安心想事成,再送你百事可乐一瓶,愿你快快乐乐乐无穷!祝你平安夜快乐,圣诞节快乐! christmas eve, send you an apple, two orange, protect your horse safely and to send you a bottle of pepsi wish you happy joy endless! wish you a merry christmas eve and merry christmas!

21、平安夜是一首温馨的歌,因为你而变得美妙动人;圣诞节是一首快乐的诗,因为你而变得精彩夺目。我的短信是一阵清新的风,因为发给你而变得活泼生动。祝圣诞快乐! Christmas Eve is a sweet song, become beautiful because of you; Christmas is a poem of happiness, because you and become a splendid。 My message is a fresh wind, become lively and vivid because of the sent to you。 Wishing you all a merry Christmas!

22、美丽的圣诞节,雪夜星光伴着你和我的脸,平安夜的萍果滋润了你我的嘴唇。快乐的你我在新的一年里开出圣诞果实。 Beautiful Christmas, hakodate starlight with you and I face, Christmas Eve ping fruit to nourish you my lips. Happy you and me in the New Year opened a Christmas fruit.

23、平安夜,想和你一起度过,十指相扣,两心合一,守护属于我们的浪漫,听着彼此的心跳声,那是世上最动听的旋律,亲爱的,愿你平安快乐,幸福健康! On Christmas Eve, want to and you spent together, the net be buckled, the unity of two hearts, guardian belongs to our romantic, listen to each others heart beat, it is the worlds most beautiful melody, my dear, I wish you a happy peace and happy and healthy!

24、平安夜你要安安稳稳地睡觉,攒够力气第二天快乐地生蛋,过几天再快乐地圆蛋。为庆祝生蛋圆蛋的快乐,再欢天喜地快快乐乐地过年! Christmas Eve you sleep to be steady, saved energy the next day happily eggs, round egg happily back in a few days。 To celebrate the joy of the eggs round egg, and then happy happy New Year!

25、愿你快乐安康,幸福平安! Wish you happiness and health, happiness and peace!

26、祝你平安夜平安,快快乐乐过圣诞! I wish you peace on Christmas Eve and have a happy Christmas!

27、平安夜,请闭上眼,我把礼物悄悄送:送你一盏圣诞灯,照亮你的好前程;送你一个小铃铛,一摇快乐在身旁;再送一声祝福话,愿你幸福美佳佳。 on christmas eve, please close your eyes, i send gift quietly: send you a christmas light, light up your good future; happy to send you a small bell, a shake on the side; to send a blessing, wish you happy beauty jia jia。

28、平安夜,送你一个苹果,祝你平安夜快乐! Christmas Eve, send you an apple, I wish you a happy Christmas Eve!

29、流星划过夜空,我的愿望随之飘过。烛光照亮厅堂,我的幸福随之产生。快乐就在今晚,平安夜祈祷平安常在。愿你的平安夜与我一起度过,共赏美景,共创明天! a meteor across the night sky, i wish。 the resulting lit hall, i happiness。 happy tonight, christmas eve to pray for the peace in bloom。 wishing you a christmas eve and i spent together, enjoy the beauty, create tomorrow!

30、祝你幸福一生,快乐一世,平安一生一世。 I wish you a happy life, a happy life, a safe life.

31、平安夜,点起一盏烛光,照亮我们的前程。 On Christmas Eve, light a candle to light our future.

32、平安的信息,传递你,愿你万事顺利。 The message of peace, pass you on, wish you all the best.

33、平安夜开心,一生平安! Happy Christmas Eve, safe life!

34、欣然又将圣诞,狂欢彻夜难眠。平安夜里话平安,听取笑声一片。零落些雪花外,三五好友聚堂前。就是你,我最想念,愿圣诞节快乐! Readily and Christmas, carnival sleepless nights. A peace night words, listen to laughter. And some snow, friends gathered in front of the hall. Is you, I miss the most wish merry Christmas!

35、圣诞将至气氛浓,短信祝福情意重;洗洗袜子挂床边,装满礼物乐无边;扫扫烟囱生火炉,温暖节日心满足。预祝你:平安夜美梦绵绵,圣诞节快乐连连! christmas atmosphere will be thick, sms blessing affective weight; wash your socks hanging bed, full of present joy endless; sweep the chimney stove, warm heart meet the festival。 i wish you: dream on christmas eve, merry christmas!

36、平安夜,送大礼,吉祥如意从天而降。平安夜,送问候,幸福快乐如约而至。平安夜,要开心,圣诞礼物数不胜数。平安夜,送祝福,祝你心愿一定实现。 Luck and Christmas Eve, gift from the sky。 On Christmas Eve, send greetings, happiness and about to。 On Christmas Eve, happy, Christmas gifts。 On Christmas Eve, send blessings, I wish you the best wishes must be implemented。

37、平安夜的心愿,为你送到。 Christmas Eve wish, for you.

38、今晚,翻检心中所有的酸甜,最是把你来惦念,相识相交已经多年,情真自不必多言,友谊之花绽放你我心田,平安夜祝你一生幸福,四季平安。 Tonight, looks over all the sweet and sour in the heart, the most is to miss, do you know the intersection has for many years, feeling the need not say more, the flower of friendship blooms you my heart, I wish you a happy life on Christmas Eve, four seasons peace。

39、平安夜,祝你平安到老! Christmas Eve, I wish you safe and old!

40、听说我幸福满分,我决定全部送给你,冬至惊喜十分,平安夜温馨十分,圣诞浪漫十分,事业激情十分、生活美满十分,加上梦想给力十分,希望你万事顺心,幸福涨满分。 Heard I happiness full marks, I decided to send to you, all very surprise on the winter solstice, Christmas Eve is very sweet, very romantic Christmas, career passion is very, very, happy happy life and dream is to force, hope you all well, happiness get a full mark。

41、平安夜,送你一个苹果两个橙,保你平平安安心想事成,再送你百事可乐一瓶,愿你快快乐乐乐无穷!祝你平安夜快乐,圣诞节快乐! Christmas Eve, send you an apple, two orange, protect your horse safely and to send you a bottle of Pepsi wish you happy joy endless! Wish you a merry Christmas Eve and merry Christmas!

42、平安夜里祝福你,愿你平平安安,快乐永远。 I wish you peace and happiness on Christmas Eve.

43、平安夜,愿你平安一生! Christmas Eve, wish you a safe life!

44、当平安夜的.钟声回响在小路,我送你一棵真诚的圣诞树,上面闪着我们友情的回顾,挂满了我对你的祝福,愿好运永远把你呵护,愿你一生平安幸福。 when christmas eve bells resounded in the lane, i send you a sincere christmas tree, above the review of our friendship, full of my blessing to you, wish good luck always put your care, peace be to you a lifetime of happiness。

45、随着平安入梦,愿幸福为你而动。 With peace in your dream, may happiness move for you.

46、平安夜,报平安,平平安安迎圣诞;跨万水,越千山,祝福接力问候传;鹿蹄急,雪橇快,圣诞礼物堆成山;炉火旺,驱严寒,圣诞树下美梦圆。圣诞快乐! On Christmas Eve, report peaceful, safely to meet Christmas; Across the river, the mountains, the blessing relay greetings, Deer hoof, sled, Christmas gift mountain; Cold fire, flooding, Christmas tree dream round。 Merry Christmas!

47、Best wishes on this holiday season. 献上最诚挚的节日祝福

48、May the beauty and joy of Christmas remain with you throughout the new year! 愿平安夜美景与欢乐常伴随你!

49、祝你平安夜里快乐至,幸福美满万万年! I wish you a happy Christmas Eve and a happy life!

50、衷心祝福来年快乐、幸运! Warm greetings and best wishes for happiness and good luck in the coming year.

51、平安夜到了,向唯美的星空许个愿,愿你生活甜蜜平静。 Christmas Eve is coming. Make a wish to the beautiful starry sky. May your life be sweet and peaceful.

52、咬一口苹果,平安一生。 A bite of an apple is a safe life.

53、平安夜送平安,愿大家平平安安! Peace on Christmas Eve, wish you all peace and security!

54、祝平安夜平安,平安夜快乐! May Christmas eve be safe and happy Christmas Eve!

55、祝愿你平安托起幸福日月,健康携手恩爱春秋。 I wish you peace and happiness, health hand in hand love spring and autumn.

56、最是暖暖的平安夜,和你一起,逛热闹长街,借朗朗明月,数灯火连绵,温年华细节。只要你说在你心里我又重了一些些,我所有忧郁就轻轻化解。 Is the most warm warm on Christmas Eve, and you together, lively strip, borrow the moon lang lang, a few lights, a series of WenNianHua details. As long as you said in your heart me again some more, I will gently dissolve all melancholy.

57、平安夜,报平安,祝你一家子都安康。 On Christmas Eve, I wish you all well.

58、吃个黄苹果,祝你飞黄腾达,事业高! Eat a yellow apple, I wish you a prosperous career!

59、平安夜,送你一个苹果,祝你一生都平安,天天快乐幸福享。 Christmas Eve, send you an apple, I wish you a safe life, happy every day.

60、平安夜到,愿你好运连连,幸福美满。 Christmas Eve, I wish you good luck and happiness.