
1、值此圣诞到来之即,我有一句憋在心里已久的话要告诉你:今天早饭我没来得及吃,中饭我发现没带钱包,下班后我去找你,等我!呵呵,圣诞节快乐! As Christmas approaches, I have a long held message in my heart to tell you: I didnt have breakfast today, and I realized I didnt bring my wallet for lunch. After work, Ill go find you and wait for me! Hehe, Merry Christmas!

2、祝你有个温馨的圣诞节! Have a warm christmas!



5、你快乐,我快乐,大家快乐,快乐圣诞节,哦,我的圣诞礼物呢,快找找,快找找,哦,收到了吗,我带给你的是快乐。 you are happy, I am happy, everyone is happy, happy Christmas. Oh, where is my Christmas gift? Look for it, look for it. Oh, have you received it? I bring you happiness.


7、天上一颗星,地上一个人。你窗前的那颗星,就是我的身影,它平安夜伴你到天明。 A star in the sky, a person on the ground. The star that holds your window, that is, I figure, its Christmas Eve with you until morning.

8、圣诞佳节恭喜你,发个短信祝福你,成功的事业属于你,开心的笑容常伴你,健康长寿想着你,最后还要通知你,财神爷也要拜访你! Congratulations on Christmas and send a text message wishing you success. A happy smile always accompanies you, and I miss you for a long and healthy life. Finally, I want to inform you that the God of Wealth is also coming to visit you!

9、打开岁月的文件夹,翻到页。写上一段思念,送上一个祝福。一颗感恩的心,不曾忘记的您。祝:您圣诞节快乐,老师辛苦了。 Open the folder of time and flip to the page. Write a longing and send a blessing. A grateful heart, never forgetting you. Wishing you a happy Christmas, teacher. Thank you for your hard work.

10、圣诞的钟声即将响起,落叶飞舞着,温馨洋溢着,真情荡漾着,祝福伴随着,多少个不眠之夜都不及今天的平安夜来 得幸福而快乐,温暖着这个不一样的夜晚。 The Christmas bell is about to ring, with fallen leaves dancing, warm and overflowing, true feelings rippling, and blessings accompanying. No sleepless night can be as happy and joyful as todays Christmas Eve, warming this different night.

11、愿你的圣诞光彩夺目,愿你的新年灿烂辉煌!佳节快乐! May your christmas be bright and your new year brilliant! Happy holidays!

12、乘着雪橇车,圣诞老人从远方而来,他将手袋中所装的所有美好送至每个人,包括你。善良的人总会得到深切的祝福,亲爱的朋友,圣诞快乐。 Riding on a sled, Santa Claus comes from afar, delivering all the beauty contained in his handbag to everyone, including you. Kind people always receive deep blessings, dear friends. Merry Christmas.

13、送你棵坠满礼物的圣诞树,顶上最大最亮那颗是我的真心,下面挂的是我的痴心,丝带里缠绕的是我的一颗不变心。圣诞快乐! Im giving you a Christmas tree full of gifts. The largest and brightest one on the top is my sincerity, while the one hanging below is my infatuation. The ribbon is wrapped around my unchanging heart. Merry Christmas!


15、圣诞雪花为你而下,圣诞之树为你装扮,圣诞老人为你送礼,圣诞信息传递给你,圣诞快乐你属第一,圣诞来临幸福传递,转发越多越出奇迹,财运福运全部属于你! Christmas snowflakes are falling for you, the Christmas tree is decorating for you, Santa Claus is giving you gifts, Christmas messages are passed on to you, and you are the first to have a happy Christmas. With the arrival of Christmas, happiness is spreading, and the more you share, the more miraculous it becomes. All your financial and good luck belongs to you!

16、我愿化作飘落的雪花,为你带去圣诞的祝福;我愿化作满满的圣诞树,为你传递我厚厚的思念。我更愿化作圣诞老人,带去你最想要的礼物。 I am willing to turn into falling snowflakes and bring you Christmas blessings; I am willing to transform into a full Christmas tree and pass on my thick thoughts to you. I would rather transform into Santa Claus and bring you the gift you most want.

17、高擎智慧的火炬,带领我们走过无知的黑暗;启动知识的巨轮,带领我们驶向人生的彼岸;摊开青春的画纸,带领我们描绘人生的壮美。圣诞节快乐! Raise the torch of wisdom high, leading us through the darkness of ignorance; Launch the giant ship of knowledge, leading us towards the other side of life; Spread out the canvas of youth, leading us to depict the grandeur of life. Merry Christmas!

18、圣诞阳光为你而灿烂,圣诞雪花因你而浪漫,圣诞树上挂满我的思念,圣诞焰火辉映你的笑脸,圣诞钟声传递美好祝愿,圣诞短信遥祝你幸福平安!圣诞快乐! The Christmas sunshine is shining for you, the Christmas snowflakes are romantic because of you, the Christmas tree is filled with my thoughts, the Christmas fireworks shine on your smiling face, the Christmas bell conveys good wishes, and the Christmas SMS wishes you happiness and peace from afar! Merry Christmas!

19、快乐的雪花飘向你,幸运的风儿吹向你,幸福的流星砸向你,财富的阳光照向你,祝福的短信飞向你,轻轻地道一声:圣诞快乐! Happy snowflakes drift towards you, lucky winds blow towards you, happy meteors smash towards you, the sunshine of wealth shines upon you, and blessing messages fly towards you. With a gentle voice: Merry Christmas!

20、希望这宁静的夜的思念能随着飘絮的心情飞到身边,圣诞树旁静静的许愿。一个你美好的圣诞夜! I hope that the longing for this peaceful night can fly to my side with the floating mood, and make a quiet wish by the Christmas tree. A wonderful Christmas night for you!

21、天空飘落的雪花,就像我的心情,思念不断蔓延,从遥远的另一端努力奔向你,即使不能相伴,也愿化作雪花,将你砸的人仰马翻!!呵呵。圣诞快乐! The snowflakes falling from the sky, just like my mood, my longing continues to spread, and I strive to run towards you from the distant other end. Even if I cannot be with you, I am willing to turn into snowflakes and smash you upside down!! Hehe. Merry Christmas!



24、所谓幸福:是有一颗感恩的心,一个健康的身体,一份称心的工作,一位深爱你的爱人,一帮信赖的朋友。你会拥有这一切!祝圣诞快乐! The so-called happiness: having a grateful heart, a healthy body, a satisfying job, a lover who loves you deeply, and a group of trusted friends. You will have all of this! Wishing you a Merry Christmas!


26、愿你拥有圣诞节所有美好的祝福。 Wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful Christmas.

27、看着你向我撒娇、对我微笑,圣诞节的雪花也变得温暖了起来。 Watching you coquettish and smile at me, the snow at Christmas also becomes warm.

28、吉祥的雪花挂满窗棂,欢快的舞姿热情似火;平安的钟声和谐悦耳,幸福的火花越燃越旺;健壮的驯鹿奔走四方,真挚的祝福传遍八方:朋友,祝你圣诞快乐,幸福永远! Auspicious snowflakes hang all over the window frames, and the cheerful dance moves are as passionate as fire; The sound of peace bells is harmonious and pleasant to the ear, and the spark of happiness burns brighter and brighter; The robust reindeer run around, and sincere blessings spread throughout all directions: Friend, may you have a happy Christmas and happiness forever!

29、圣诞脚步近,快乐在徜徉;烟花伴星光,幸福在流淌;美好圣诞时光,祝福在飞扬,愿您一生平安、幸福吉祥、身体安康、圣诞欢畅! Christmas is approaching, joy is wandering; Fireworks accompanied by starlight, happiness flowing; A wonderful Christmas time, wishing you peace, happiness, auspiciousness, good health, and a joyful Christmas!

30、温馨又冰冷的圣诞夜里,到我这里来吧!把冰冷给我,温馨你留下吧! Warm and cold Christmas night, come to me! Give me the cold, warm you stay!

31、I hope we can spend the holidays together. 希望我们能一起过圣诞节。

32、片片雪花,传递我的祝福;阵阵冬风,送达我的思念。我愿是暖暖阳光,让你不惧严寒;我愿是圣诞老人,给你礼物满满。又到一年圣诞,祝你快乐吉祥! Snowflakes, conveying my blessings; Waves of winter breeze deliver my longing. I wish it were warm sunshine, so that you wouldnt be afraid of the cold; I wish to be Santa Claus, giving you plenty of gifts. Christmas is coming again. Wishing you happiness and auspiciousness!

33、紫色的雪花,白色的冬天,红色的圣诞,暖色的季节,在这宁静的时刻,提前祝你圣诞快乐! Purple snowflakes, white winter, red Christmas, warm season. In this peaceful moment, I wish you a Merry Christmas in advance!

34、圣诞到来心飞扬,雪花飘飞送吉祥。头戴红帽鸿运照,脚蹬皮靴宏图展。圣诞节日春满园,幸福花儿从天降。一帆风顺发洋财,愿你圣诞美乐颜。圣诞吉祥! Christmas arrives with flying hearts and snowflakes sending good luck. Wearing a red hat and a photo of good luck, and wearing leather boots for a grand exhibition. On Christmas Day, spring fills the garden, and happy flowers fall from the sky. Smooth sailing and abundant wealth, may you have a beautiful Christmas. Christmas is auspicious!

35、即使寒冬,倍感温暖。烛光摇曳,华灯璀灿。炉火熊熊,张灯结彩。圣诞树下,礼物如山。钟声敲响,吉祥浪漫。祝福声声,幸福永远! Even in cold winter, feel warm. The candlelight flickered, and the lanterns shone brightly. The fire was blazing brightly, with lights and decorations. Under the Christmas tree, gifts are like mountains. The bell rings, auspicious and romantic. Blessing voice, happiness forever!

36、凡事喜怒哀乐发自内心,幸福苦恼完全取决于自己的感悟,对错也自行判断,天空晴朗明亮,乌云密布,经历多次,不经常联系,短信人事,祝一切顺利,圣诞快乐! Everything comes from the heart, happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy. Happiness and distress depend entirely on ones own perception, and one can judge right or wrong on their own. The sky is clear and bright, with dark clouds covering the sky. After experiencing it multiple times, one may not keep in touch frequently. SMS personnel, wishing everything smooth and a happy Christmas!

37、平安之夜的使者,向你报一声平安,带这盈盈的相思,带着温馨的祝愿,祝福你圣诞快乐!! The envoy of Christmas Eve, I wish you peace. With this overflowing longing and warm wishes, I wish you a Merry Christmas!!





42、平安夜,外滩边上情侣手牵手,甜蜜浪漫到永久;南京路上走一走,烦恼忧愁都溜走;欢乐谷中游一游,幸福快乐齐拥有。祝大家圣诞节快乐! On Christmas Eve, couples hold hands by the Bund, sweet and romantic until eternity; Taking a walk on Nanjing Road, all worries and worries slip away; Visit the middle of Happy Valley and enjoy happiness and happiness together. Wishing everyone a happy Christmas!


44、圣诞树上挂礼物,圣诞衣中藏祝福。红红火火福永驻,快快乐乐无痛苦。祝福声声友情护,圣诞佳节笑处处。祝圣诞快乐! Hang gifts on the Christmas tree and keep blessings hidden in the Christmas clothes. Red, red, fire, and blessings are eternal, joyful and painless. Blessings, voices, friendship, and protection. Laughter is everywhere during Christmas. Wishing you a Merry Christmas!




48、点点滴滴的关怀化作我的祝愿,只只片片的挂念化作我的期盼,把我的心装在短信里面,把我所有的祝愿和期盼带给我想念的你,带给你崭新的平安。圣诞快乐 Little by little care turns into my wishes, and only fragments of concern turn into my expectations. Put my heart in a text message, bring all my wishes and expectations to you whom I miss, and bring you brand new peace. Merry Christmas

49、Wishing you a blessed Christmas and a New Year filled with happy surprises、 祝圣诞平安,新年中有意想不到的收获!

50、风飘着醉人的钟声,每一声都是我对你的祝福,愿我的祝福化成点点星光,在这个圣诞夜里陪伴你,过一个美好的圣诞夜,祝你圣诞快乐! The wind blows with intoxicating bells, and every sound is my blessing to you. May my blessings turn into little stars and accompany you on this Christmas night. Have a wonderful Christmas Eve, and wish you a happy Christmas!

51、有一种幸福因你相伴;有一种快乐无话不谈;有一种情谊天地之间;有一种祝福纵有万水千山。圣诞节了,愿圣诞老人的口袋装满我的惦念,轻轻放到你身边。 There is a kind of happiness because of your company; There is a kind of happiness that can be said without hesitation; There is a kind of friendship between heaven and earth; There is a kind of blessing, even though there are thousands of rivers and mountains. Christmas is coming, may Santa Clauss pocket be filled with my thoughts and gently placed by your side.

52、偶尔的繁忙,不代表遗忘。冬日的到来,愿你心情舒畅,曾落下问候,这一刻一齐补偿,所有的关心,凝聚这条短信,祝圣诞快乐。 Occasional busyness does not mean forgetting. With the arrival of winter, may you feel at ease. Once you have left a greeting, lets make up for it together at this moment. All your care is condensed into this message. Wishing you a happy Christmas.

53、把圣诞节成果挂在树枝上,把圣诞快乐填满胸前,把圣诞礼物放在枕头上,把圣诞短信发到你手里,把圣诞温暖放在你心里,希望圣诞节那天你会更加开心。 Hang Christmas fruits on tree branches, fill your chest with Christmas joy, place Christmas gifts on your pillow, send Christmas messages to you, and keep Christmas warmth in your heart. I hope you will be even happier on Christmas Day.

54、走过春日百花,路过夏日烈阳,度过秋日丰收,迎来冬日寒雪。日复一日年复年,抛开烦恼乐无边,悠闲自在盼圣诞,生活无忧更安然。圣诞快乐。 Walk through the flowers of spring, pass by the scorching summer sun, enjoy the bountiful autumn harvest, and welcome the cold winter snow. Day after day, year after year, setting aside worries and endless joy, we look forward to Christmas leisurely and carefree, with a more peaceful and worry free life. Merry Christmas.

55、一条短信,送去我无限的祝福,我相信,祝福就是我们所需要的,不管我们相距多么遥远,关怀你的心是永远不变的,不论在何时何地,我都愿意让你知道,我默默地为你祈祷,深深地为你祝福:圣诞快乐! A text message, send me infinite blessings. I believe that blessings are what we need. No matter how far apart we are, the heart that cares for you will never change. No matter when or where, I am willing to let you know. I silently pray for you and deeply wish you a happy Christmas!

56、送你一棵圣诞树,树根是健康的体魄,树干是幸福的家庭,树枝是顺心的事业,树叶是美满的爱情。 Send you a Christmas tree, the root is a healthy body, the trunk is a happy family, the branch is a happy career, the leaves are a happy love.


58、平安之夜的使者,向你报一声平安,带这盈盈的相思,带着温馨的祝愿,祝福你圣诞快乐! The envoy of Christmas Eve, I wish you peace, with this overflowing longing and warm wishes, wishing you a Merry Christmas!

59、柔情似水,温馨浪漫,雪花送福,快乐吉祥。圣诞钟声,渐渐响起,欢快祝福,依次传递。狂欢之夜,一起喝彩,圣诞树下,全新祝福。圣诞快乐! Soft like water, warm and romantic, snowflakes bring blessings, happiness and auspiciousness. The Christmas bell gradually rings, and joyful blessings are passed on one by one. On a night of revelry, cheer together, under the Christmas tree, with brand new blessings. Merry Christmas![工作总结之家 dG15.COm]




63、轻风吹起,我在风中等你;夕阳西下,我在路边等你;叶子泛黄,我在树下等你;圣诞节了,我在烟囱旁等你;你把爱给了我,就是我的圣诞老人!圣诞快乐! A light wind blows, I am waiting for you in the wind; As the sun sets, I wait for you by the roadside; The leaves turn yellow, I am waiting for you under the tree; Christmas is coming, I am waiting for you by the chimney; You gave me love, you are my Santa Claus! Merry Christmas!

64、雪花纷飞,飘落了吉祥;驯鹿飞驰,驮来了好运;铃声叮当,传来了喜讯;圣诞到了,送来了祝福:祝你圣诞快乐,心想事成,阖家幸福,天天开心! Snowflakes are flying and falling with auspiciousness; Reindeer gallop, carrying good luck; The bell jingled, bringing good news; Christmas has arrived, with blessings: Wishing you a Merry Christmas, your dreams come true, your family is happy, and you are happy every day!

65、很多人说,当闭上眼睛的时候,你才会看到你最想看到的东西,某个平安夜,闭上眼睛,我看到你。多希望将那一刻的温暖定格为永远。祝你圣诞快乐! Many people say that when you close your eyes, you will see what you want to see the most. One Christmas Eve, when you close your eyes, I will see you. I hope to freeze the warmth of that moment into eternity. Wishing you a Merry Christmas!

66、你被我盯上了!请在这寒冷的日子里,多加件衣服!在此祝福你:圣诞快乐! Youre on my eye! Please add more clothes in this cold day! Heres to you: Merry christmas!


68、世界如此的忙碌,用心的人就会幸福;想你的脸,心里就温暖;想你的嘴,笑容跟着灿烂!随着圣诞节的到来,关心你的人要跟你说声:圣诞快乐! The world is so busy, and those who put in their hearts will be happy; Thinking of your face warms my heart; Thinking of your mouth, your smile follows brilliantly! With the arrival of Christmas, those who care about you want to say to you: Merry Christmas!


70、吉祥的驯鹿在奔跑,平安的银铃在叮当;幸福的雪花在飞舞,快乐的雪橇在飞驰;慈祥的老人在微笑,圣诞的礼物在送达;开心的喜悦在蔓延,真挚的祝福在发送:圣诞快乐! The auspicious reindeer are running, and the peaceful silver bells are jingling; Happy snowflakes are dancing, happy sleds are galloping; The kind old man is smiling, and Christmas gifts are being delivered; Happy joy is spreading, and sincere wishes are being sent: Merry Christmas!

71、圣诞至,祝福到,快乐给你个大拥抱,幸福生活对你笑,好运在你头上绕,吉运把你来关照,祥云在你头上飘,平平安安没烦恼,从今走上康庄道,圣诞快乐! Christmas arrives. Wishing you a big hug and a happy life that smiles at you. Good luck surrounds your head, good luck takes care of you, and auspicious clouds float on your head. You are safe and worry free. From now on, walk on the path of Kangzhuang. Merry Christmas!

72、圣诞节的快乐,用问候表达,圣诞节的开心,用情谊表达,圣诞节的祝福,用短信表达,圣诞节的幸福,用关心表达,圣诞节的浪漫,用惊喜表达,圣诞节的愿望,用我的诚意表达,愿你梦想成真,圣诞快乐。 The joy of Christmas, expressed through greetings, the joy of Christmas, expressed through friendship, Christmas blessings, expressed through text messages, Christmas happiness, expressed through care, Christmas romance, expressed through surprises, Christmas wishes, expressed with my sincerity, may your dreams come true, and Christmas is happy.

73、洁白的雪花,五彩的圣诞树,绚丽的烟火一起映衬出多彩的圣诞节。我把我的祝福写成诗、绘成画来表达我的心意:圣诞快乐。 The pure white snowflakes, colorful Christmas trees, and splendid fireworks all complement the colorful Christmas. I write and draw my blessings into poetry and pictures to express my feelings: Merry Christmas.


75、寒冷的冬天有个浪漫的节日是圣诞,浪漫的圣诞里有个祝福的信息在传遍,传遍的信息里满满的是平安,平安的传递里是你的健康我的祝愿。祝圣诞快乐! In the cold winter, there is a romantic holiday called Christmas. In the romantic Christmas, there is a message of blessings spreading everywhere, filled with peace. In the transmission of peace, it is your health and my wishes. Wishing you a Merry Christmas!

76、欢乐温馨的圣诞节又到了,我用真心的祝福和绵绵的思念编织成柔暖的围巾,紧紧地围绕着你,让你拥有一个暖烘烘甜蜜蜜的圣诞节!圣诞快乐! the joyful and warm Christmas has arrived again. I weave a soft and warm scarf with sincere blessings and continuous longing, tightly surrounding you, allowing you to have a warm and sweet Christmas! Merry Christmas!



79、星光闪闪,烛光闪闪,愿你快乐幸福闪;叮叮铃铃,响响当当,圣诞钟声带吉祥;信息短短,情谊长长,我愿朋友永安康;祝福连连,好运天天,祝你快乐在圣诞。 Sparkling stars and candles, may you be happy and happy; Dingding bell, ringing loudly, Christmas bell brings auspiciousness; Short information, long friendship, I wish my friends eternal health; Wishing you many blessings and good luck every day. Wishing you a happy Christmas.

80、面对圣诞,面对身边匆匆而过的人们,想起你,心中有一种感动:爱,便是这种无法言说的缘吧。 In the face of christmas, in the face of people passing by in a hurry, thinking of you, there is a feeling in my heart: Love is this kind of unspeakable fate.

81、烛光中,雪花飞舞,钟声敲打着夜幕。围坐炉火,在赞美的歌声中祈祷。当烟火随着美好升腾,吉祥的风呼啸而过,平安夜里,有我如期而至的祝福:圣诞快乐! In the candlelight, snowflakes dance and the bell strikes the night sky. Sitting around the fire, praying in the praises of the song. As fireworks soar with beauty and auspicious winds howl past, on Christmas Eve, I offer my timely blessings: Merry Christmas!

82、看一场雪在演绎美丽的主角,听一场雪在弹奏洁白的乐章,吻一场雪在珍藏你每一个快乐的瞬间,白色的世界,不会虚伪,白色的世界,我祝你白色圣诞节快乐。 Watch a snow play a beautiful protagonist, listen to a snow play a pure white melody, kiss a snow cherish every happy moment of your life. The white world will not be hypocritical. In the white world, I wish you a happy white Christmas.


84、A wish for a truly merry christmas and may the joy of christmas linger in your heart all the year! 圣诞快乐!愿圣诞的喜悦整年萦绕你心间。

85、每天我的动力就是见到你,并和你说说话。圣诞节快乐! Every day my motivation is to see you and talk to you. Happy Christmas!

86、圣诞节日好热闹,人来人往大街绕。圣诞礼物送亲友,美满幸福吉祥照。甜甜蜜蜜全家笑,围坐一起举杯邀。传扬美德好风尚,善举济世美风貌。圣诞快乐! Christmas Day is so lively, with people coming and going around the streets. Christmas gifts for family and friends, happy and auspicious photos. Sweet and sweet, the whole family laughed and sat together, toasting and inviting. Spread virtues and good customs, and do good deeds to bring beauty to the world. Merry Christmas!

87、装上糖果,面带微笑。穿好圣诞衣,戴好圣诞帽。蹬上圣诞靴,准备向快乐奔跑。竖起耳朵,等待圣诞的冲锋号。叮咚咚。收到了吗?抓住快乐了吗?祝你圣诞快乐! Put on candy with a smile on your face. Put on your Christmas clothes and hat. Put on your Christmas boots and prepare to run towards happiness. Raise your ears and wait for the Christmas Rush. Ding Dong Dong. Did you receive it? Have you captured happiness? Wishing you a Merry Christmas!
