
1、Wishing you many future successes. 请多保重!

2、I would like to wish you a joyous new year and express my hope for your happiness and good future. 在这特殊的日子,向你致以新年的祝福,希望不久我们能相聚在一起。

3、春节到,生活更美妙,愿你新的一年获得快乐之柴,健康之米,平安之油,好运之盐,财富之酱,爱情之醋,友情之茶,愿你的生活凝聚幸福,洋溢绚烂的充实与美好。 The Spring Festival is here, and life is even more wonderful. May you have the firewood of happiness, the rice of health, the oil of peace, the salt of good luck, the sauce of wealth, the vinegar of love, and the tea of friendship in the new year. May your life be filled with happiness, splendid fulfillment, and beauty.

4、愿你在新的一年里,大展鸿图,在事业道路上写下辉煌的一笔,加油! I hope you will make great achievements in the new year and write a brilliant career on the road. Come on!

5、新的一年快开始了,年底一总结,发现自己只收获了年龄。 The new year is about to start. At the end of the year, I found that I onlygot my age.

6、新年到了,愿你快乐欢笑! The new year is coming. May you have a good time!

7、My arms are wide open for you this New Year. 我张开双臂,盼与你共度新春佳节。

8、在新年到来之际,祝所有的朋友都能珍惜幸福,为了更好的明年幸福并快乐着! On the arrival of the New Year, I wish all friends can cherish happiness, in order to better next year’s happiness and happiness!

9、Its joy to know you,wishing the nicest things always for you, not only today,but all the year through because you are really a joy to know. 认识你是一种快慰,愿你永远拥有最美好的东西,不仅今天拥有,而且天天拥有,因为认识你真是一种慰藉。

10、Good luck, good health,hood cheer.I wish you a happy New Year. 祝你在新的一年里身体健康,多福多寿。

11、除夕到,送你一顿年夜大餐。用“祝福”蒸出米饭,用“平安”炒制菜肴,炖上一锅“吉祥如意”的大锅菜,外加一盆“心想事成”的美味汤,喝出新年好运来! On New Years Eve, Ill give you a big dinner. Steaming rice with "blessings", stir frying dishes with "peace", stewing a pot of "auspicious and auspicious" big pot dishes, and adding a pot of "successful wishes" delicious soup, drink out good luck for the New Year!

12、为新年干杯!为新年祝福!祝你有个平安愉快的新年!祝你在新的一年里健康如意,马到成功!值此春回大地、万象更新之良辰,敬祝你福、禄、寿三星高照,阖府康乐,如意吉祥! Cheers to the New Year! Wishing for the New Year! Wishing you a safe and happy New Year! Wishing you good health and success in the new year! On this auspicious occasion of spring returning to the earth and all things being renewed, I wish you blessings, rewards, and longevity, with three stars shining brightly. Your whole family is in good health and good luck!

13、Wish all the best wishes for you. 献上最美好的祝愿。

14、My warmest congratulations to you on receiving the scholarship to the university with all my best wishes for your further progress and continued success. 衷心祝贺你荣获大学奖学金,并祝你不断取得进步和成功。

15、一次偶遇,那是机缘;彼此相识,那是宿缘;相知相爱,那是情缘;携手共度,那是姻缘。亲爱的,今生我们有缘,愿共创美好良缘!新年快乐。 A chance encounter, thats a chance; Knowing each other is fate; To know and love each other is fate; Hand in hand, its a marriage. Dear, we are destined in this life, and we are willing to create a beautiful and good relationship together! Happy New Year.

16、你的爱是我一生的盼望,所以你的每一滴泪,都化作了我的哀愁。亲爱的,祝春节快乐! Your love is my lifelong hope, so every drop of your tears has turned into my sorrow. Dear, I wish you a happy Spring Festival!

17、I hope you have a most happy and prosperous New Year. 谨祝新年快乐幸福,大吉大利。

18、新年来临送祝福,家中进棵摇钱树,树上开朵如意花,花落结个开心果,爱情鸟儿常相伴,幸福鸟儿团团转,全部停驻你家园,不离不弃到永远。 As the New Year approaches, send blessings. Put a money tree in your home, and the tree will bloom with auspicious flowers. When the flowers fall, they will bear a pistachio. The birds of love will always be with you, and the birds of happiness will come and go. They will all stay in your home, never give up until forever.

19、May happiness follow you wherever you go! 愿您幸福快乐,直到永远永远。

20、新年来临,欢声不断;电话打搅,多有不便;短信拜年,了我心愿;祝您全家,身体康健;生活幸福,来年多赚;提早拜年,免得占线!新年快乐! With the arrival of the new year, there is constant joy; Sorry to disturb you on the phone, its inconvenient; Sending a text message to pay New Years greetings has fulfilled my wish; Wishing your whole family good health; Live a happy life and earn more next year; Say New Years greetings early to avoid getting busy! Happy New Year!

21、新年到,年来了,不是我威胁你,你敢不快乐,我就敢让世界末日降临,天地崩裂海水咆哮火山爆发地动山摇!所以,为了拯救人类,一定要快乐哦! The New Year is here, its not me threatening you. Do you dare to be happy or not? I dare to let the end of the world come, the world shatters, the sea roars, the volcano erupts, and the earth shakes! So, in order to save humanity, we must be happy!

22、又是一年春来到,祝福满天飘,飘到你、也飘到我,恭贺新禧!新春愉快!万事如意!心想事成! Another year of spring has arrived. Blessings float all over the sky, drifting to you and me. Congratulations on the New Year! Happy New Year! All the best! My dream comes true!

23、May the coming New Year bring you joy, love and peace. 请接受我们对你及你全家的美好祝福,祝你们新年快乐。

24、一声声爆竹愿你健康幸福,一簇簇烟花要你辉煌永驻,一副副春联陪你富贵久远,一桌桌佳肴伴你合家团圆,一条条短信传递美好祝愿。祝你新春快乐!吉祥新年! The sound of firecrackers wishing you health and happiness, clusters of fireworks wishing you eternal glory, a pair of Spring Festival couplets accompanying you for wealth and prosperity, tables of delicious food accompanying you for family reunion, and text messages conveying good wishes. Wishing you a happy New Year! Auspicious New Year!

25、I want to wish you longevity and health! 祝财运亨通!

26、May the joy of New Year be with you throughout the year. 愿新年的快乐一年四季常在。

27、Please accept my seasons greetings. 请接受我节日的祝贺。

28、捧一卷书册,看人生起落;闻一股花香,感受生活美妙;泡一壶清茶,尝一刻休闲;发一条短信,送一句祝福。衷心祝你和你的家人和和美美,新年快乐! Hold a book and observe the ups and downs of life; Smell the fragrance of flowers and feel the beauty of life; Brew a pot of clear tea and taste it for a moment to relax; Send a text message and a blessing. Sincerely wish you and your family peace and beauty, and a happy new year!

29、恭贺新禧衷心祝你,福禄寿三星齐报喜,新春进步日进千里,发财顺景大好运气,成功胜利终属于你!新年大吉大利! Congratulations on the New Year! Sincerely wish you good luck, prosperity, and longevity. The progress of the Chinese New Year will reach thousands of miles, and wealth will flow smoothly. Success and victory will ultimately belong to you! Happy New Year!

30、新年的风吹散你的悲伤;新年的雨,冲走你的烦恼;新年的阳光,给你无限的温暖;新年的空气,给你无限的快乐;致以最良好的祝福,原你新年快乐幸福。祝春节快乐! The new years wind blows away your sadness; The rain of the new year washes away your troubles; The sunshine of the new year brings you infinite warmth; The air of the new year brings you infinite joy; Best wishes for a happy new year. Wishing you a happy Spring Festival!

31、亲爱的,每当新年来临,看着天上弯弯的月亮挂在天上,我很想你,因为你是我的牵挂,新年我不在你身边,你要快乐。新年快乐,宝贝。 Dear, whenever the New Year approaches, watching the curved moon hanging in the sky, I miss you very much because you are my concern. I am not by your side during the New Year, and you must be happy. Happy New Year, baby.

32、一副副喜气贴门头,一声声恭贺新年不绝口,一杯杯醇香美酒端在手,一口口美味佳肴嘴中留,一条条祝福发好友,一缕缕深情绕心头。祝春节快乐! A pair of happy faces pressed against the door, a constant stream of congratulations for the New Year, cups of mellow and fragrant wine in hand, mouthfuls of delicious food in the mouth, blessings sent to friends, and deep affection lingering in the heart. Wishing you a happy Spring Festival!

33、新年,老师快快乐乐!健健康康! Happy new year, teachers! healthy!

34、On the occasion of the New Year, may my wife and I extend to you and yours our warmest greetings, wishing you a happy New Year, your career greater success and your family happiness. 在此新年之际,我同夫人向你及你的家人致以节日的问候,并祝你们新年快乐、事业有成、家庭幸福。

35、愿你合家团圆,生活甜蜜。 Wish you a happy family and a sweet life.

36、Congratulations on your success in the national college entrance examination.I beg you to take this little gift as a souvenir. 恭贺高考旗开得胜,奉上这份小礼物以作纪念。

37、新年,好东西,快乐围绕着你。不用担心,出去捡金锭;领导欣赏微笑,升职加薪赚钱;好运就是一切,祝你生活幸福! New Year, good things, happiness surrounds you. Dont worry, go out and pick up gold ingots; Leaders appreciate smiles, promotions, salary increases, and earning money; Good luck is everything. Wishing you a happy life!

38、祝节日快乐,新年幸福。 I wish you a happy holiday and a happy new year.

39、千里之遥,我站在僻静的窗台旁,通过新年的氛围,遥望过去。时间凝固了,而你是这风景上灿烂的亮点,我用心在这幅画上题写祝福! A thousand miles away, I stand by the secluded windowsill, gazing at the past through the atmosphere of the New Year. Time has frozen, and you are the brilliant highlight of this scenery. I will write my blessings with my heart on this painting!

40、We offer New year blessings to you. 我们向您献上圣诞节的祝福!

41、红红火火好日子,热热闹闹放鞭炮;欢欢喜喜迎除夕,快快乐乐好心情;团团圆圆乐呵呵,甜甜蜜蜜家幸福;开开心心传短信,真真诚诚送祝福:除夕快乐! Red and bustling days, setting off firecrackers in a lively atmosphere; Welcome New Years Eve with joy and joy, with a happy and joyful mood; Reunion and happiness, sweet and sweet home happiness; Happy New Years Eve, send a sincere and sincere message!

42、被惦记很温暖的;被祝福很快乐;被祈祷很神圣;被保佑很安全。发条短信给你,证明你正被我惦记、祝福、祈祷、和保佑。新年快乐! Being cared for warmly; Being blessed is very joyful; Being prayed is very sacred; Being blessed is very safe. I will send you a text message to prove that you are being remembered, blessed, prayed for, and blessed by me. Happy New Year!

43、新的一年,新的一天,没有多余的语言,只有真心的`祝愿;没有太多的表示,只有美好的心意。 A new year, a new day, with no extra words, only sincere wishes; There are not many expressions, only beautiful intentions.

44、您的辛劳是我们的动力,我们的成功是您的骄傲,然而我们会为您自豪。 Your hard work is our driving force, our success is your pride, but we will be proud of you.

45、美丽的人生,伴随着新年的到来增添了更美丽的色彩,愿你的明天像梦想那般绚丽多姿! A beautiful life, accompanied by the arrival of the new year, has added more beautiful colors. May your tomorrow be as colorful and colorful as your dreams!

46、春节即将来到,我用祝福捻制成的绒线,烛光下为你织起一件红色的毛衣:前身是平安,后身是幸福,吉祥是厚厚的肩,如意戴在袖子里,领子蕴藏着体贴,口袋把快乐盛满,穿在身上让暖和包裹着你,让我的心陪伴你度过新年。 The Spring Festival is coming soon, and I weave a red sweater for you with the yarn made of blessings under the candlelight: the front body is safe, the back body is happy, and auspiciousness is thick shoulders. Wearing it in the sleeves, the collar contains thoughtfulness, and the pockets fill with happiness. Wearing it on your body, let warmth wrap around you, and let my heart accompany you through the New Year.

47、春节到,真诚的送你一杯热茶,以芬芳的祝愿为茶叶,用似火的热情做开水,把温柔的关怀当茶杯,融入我的真诚实意,让你喝出春节的好心情,祝春节快乐! As the Spring Festival approaches, I sincerely send you a cup of hot tea, with fragrant wishes as the tea leaves, boiling water with fiery enthusiasm, and gentle care as the tea cups, blending into my sincere sincerity, allowing you to enjoy the good mood of the Spring Festival. Wishing you a happy Spring Festival!

48、Wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful season. 愿你拥有美丽的新年所有的祝福。

49、想念的话,不会说完;关怀的心,不会改变;真挚的情谊,不会忘记;远方的朋友,问候又送去。春节的钟声即将响起,愿你在新的一年里事事如意! Missing words will not be finished; A caring heart will not change; Sincere friendship will not be forgotten; Faraway friends, greetings are sent again. The bell of the Spring Festival is about to ring. May you have all the best in the new year!

50、辞旧迎新春节到,新年喜庆新气象;锣鼓喧天喜气扬,快乐福气把你绕;璀璨烟花为你绽,好运吉祥跟着你;声声问候情谊浓,愿你心想事就成;真挚祝福送给你,祝你天天乐开花。春节快乐! Farewell to the old and welcome the arrival of the Spring Festival, with a joyful new atmosphere for the new year; The sound of gongs and drums fills the sky with joy, and happiness and blessings surround you; Shining fireworks bloom for you, good luck and auspiciousness follow you; Sound greetings and strong friendship, may your thoughts be fulfilled; Sincere wishes to you, wishing you joy every day. Happy Spring Festival!

51、I am glad to hear that you have passed the examination with a good record.And wish you the best of everything in the future. 很高兴听说你以优异的成绩通过了这次考试,祝你在未来的日子里一切顺利。

52、送一份思念让你欢笑,送一份祝福让你骄傲,送一份开心让你不老,送一份梦想让你逍遥,送一份真情不要回报,再送一个平安才算可靠,新年春节好。 Sending a longing to make you laugh, sending a blessing to make you proud, sending a happiness to make you not old, sending a dream to make you carefree, sending a true love not to repay, and sending another peace to be reliable. Have a good New Year and Spring Festival.

53、We offer New year blessings to you. 我们向您献上新年的祝福!

54、在祝福中让友情更深,在牵挂中让亲情更暖,在老实中让心底更静,在简单中让生活更美,在问候中让祝福更好,在祝福中让春节更快乐! Deepen friendship in blessings, warm family in worries, calm the heart in honesty, make life more beautiful in simplicity, make blessings better in greetings, and make the Spring Festival happier in blessings!

55、祝你一年开开心心,一生快快乐乐,一世平平安安,愿你生命中的每一个愿望都能得到实现,新春愉快! Wishing you a happy and joyful year, a happy and peaceful life. May every wish in your life be fulfilled, and a happy New Year!

56、快乐的秧歌扭起来,长长的祥龙舞起来,欢快的舞步跳起来,幸福的歌曲唱起来,祝福的短信发起来。春节到了,祝你快乐不断,喜笑颜开! Happy yangko dances, long dragon dances, joyful dance steps jump, happy songs sing, and blessing messages are sent. Spring Festival is here, I wish you endless happiness and a happy smile!

57、新春虽然已过完,心中的祝福在蔓延;过完新春迎新年,喜庆气氛不会完;微信祝福记心间,朋友情谊是永远;提前祝你新年快乐,幸福绵绵! Although the Chinese New Year has passed, the blessings in my heart are spreading; After Celebrating the Chinese New Year and welcoming the new year, the festive atmosphere will not end; WeChat blessings in my heart, friendship is forever; Wishing you a happy new year and endless happiness in advance!

58、一年四季,春节是中心,千家万户皆欢心;朋友很多,你是最贴心,与你常伴好开心;微信很多,祝福是重心,传情达意表衷心:愿你春节快乐,天天开心! Throughout the year, the Spring Festival is the center, and every household is happy; There are many friends, and you are the most caring and happy companion; There are many WeChat messages, blessings are the focus, conveying emotions and expressing sincerity: May you have a happy Spring Festival and a happy day!
