



4、圣诞的钟声悠扬,恬静而温馨;圣洁的雪花飞扬,浪漫而欢快。裁一段钟声,拈一片雪花,折成暖暖的祝福,用最真诚的心包裹,于这美妙时刻送给你。 The sound of Christmas bells is melodious, peaceful and warm; Holy snowflakes fly, romantic and joyful. Cut a bell, pick a snowflake, fold it into warm blessings, wrap it with the most sincere heart, and give it to you at this wonderful moment.

5、莫道光阴如水,莫说飞短流长。一天我擦亮阿拉丁的神灯,灯神说:我会满足你一个愿望。我说:请祝愿正在看短信的人圣诞快乐! Time is like water, let alone fleeting and flowing. One day, I lit Aladdins magic lamp, and the lamp god said, "I will fulfill your wish.". I said: Please wish everyone who is reading text messages a happy Christmas!

6、On Christmas Eve to pray;Christmas wishes;New Years blessing;To all over the sky stars,bring you my sincere greetings:friends,happy!Happy!


8、圣诞至,祝福到,快乐给你个大拥抱,幸福生活对你笑,好运在你头上绕,吉运把你来关照,祥云在你头上飘,平平安安没烦恼,从今走上康庄道,圣诞快乐! Christmas is here. Wishing you all the best and giving you a big hug of happiness. A happy life smiles at you, good luck winds around your head, good luck takes care of you, and auspicious clouds float over your head. You are safe and worry free. From now on, take the road to Kangzhuang. Merry Christmas!

9、 平安夜到了,我把百合花的纯洁、康乃馨的温馨、风信子的喜悦、香石竹的热心、桂花的吉祥一起揉入到我的短信祝福里送你,愿你快乐,生活无忧。




13、Deer walked four square,song music float in the sky;Lights shining bright,shining warm heart;SMS blessing,body health,good luck to a big basket,full life money!Merry Christmas,Christmas Eve you lucky!

14、special blessing, only care about words; There is no sweet words, only a true to you; My eyes only you, I love you! Dear, I wish you a merry Christmas!


16、 平安夜里发短信,送出平安和祝福,所有祝福托短信,今夜发到你身边、平安夜里送礼品,送你一枚平安果,满载平安的祝愿,伴你平安一整年。

17、早晨笑一笑,全天生活有情调,工作之余笑一笑,满堂欢喜又热闹,晚上笑一笑,睡个美满觉,烦恼之时笑一笑,一切烦恼全忘掉,祝圣诞节快乐,笑口常开。 Smile in the morning and enjoy a lively and lively life throughout the day. After work, the whole room is filled with joy and excitement. At night, smile and have a good nights sleep. When you are troubled, smile and forget all your worries. Wishing you a happy Christmas and always smiling.


19、Tonight, the blessing comes with happiness, with a good luck, with peace!On Christmas Eve, the night of the beautiful and sweet, happy and sweet moments, I gently, gently tunnel 1:friends, wish you peace!

20、平安夜,外滩边上情侣手牵手,甜蜜浪漫到永久;南京路上走一走,烦恼忧愁都溜走;欢乐谷中游一游,幸福快乐齐拥有。祝大家圣诞节快乐! On Christmas Eve, couples hold hands by the Bund, sweet and romantic until eternity; Taking a walk on Nanjing Road, all worries and worries slip away; Visit the middle of Happy Valley and enjoy happiness and happiness together. Wishing everyone a happy Christmas!

21、也许岁月将往事褪色,或许空间将彼此隔离,但值得珍惜的依然是知心的友谊。想再次对你说声:圣诞节快乐! Perhaps time will fade the past, perhaps space will separate each other, but what is still worth cherishing is the close friendship. I want to say to you again: Merry Christmas!


23、Deer bells on Christmas Eve, missing is to give you the most sincere, star hit candle light happiness and the future, when you hear the message, congratulations, congratulations, that is my wish your dreams come true, happy life。



26、 一根尺长教鞭,二目殷切期盼,三番四复教育,五冬六夏无怨,七开八得指导,九变十化如愿;这就是博爱的教师,平安夜平安到了,祝你健康快乐!


28、Christmas Eve is the best time, fireworks gorgeous in bloom, time quietly flowing in, the greeting warm in transmission, grand blessing to you and happiness be around you forever, auspicious Christmas to you。


30、圣诞脚步近,快乐在徜徉;烟花伴星光,幸福在流淌;美好圣诞时光,祝福在飞扬,愿您一生平安幸福吉祥身体安康圣诞欢畅! Christmas is approaching, and happiness is wandering; Fireworks accompanied by starlight, happiness flowing; A wonderful Christmas time, wishing you peace, happiness, good health, and a joyful Christmas!


32、敬祝圣诞,恭贺新喜。 Christmas and congratulations.

33、相识、相知、相爱、相守,我俩风雨同舟十几年,你是我的幸福,你是我的永远,爱你一万年!圣诞节快乐! We have known each other, known each other, loved each other, and stayed together for more than ten years. You are my happiness, you are my forever, and I love you for ten thousand years! Merry Christmas!

34、 您像树木的根一样,埋头于书本之间,将知识源源不断传授给我们;您像辛勤的园丁一样,不停的浇灌裁剪,让我们生长得缤纷灿烂、老师,您辛苦了、在平安夜来临之际,祝您平安夜快乐。

35、戴上圣诞帽,快乐围着你欢笑;穿上红棉袄,好运随着你来到;套上圣诞袜,如意跟着你奔跑。圣诞节,我送你真挚的祝福,一字一句跳跃着温情的火花,愿你圣诞快乐,平安相伴。 Put on your Christmas hat and laugh happily around you; Put on a red cotton jacket, good luck comes with you; Put on Christmas socks and run with you as you wish. Christmas, I send you sincere wishes, word by word, with warm sparks jumping. May you have a happy Christmas and peace with you.

36、Christmas Eve,Christmas Eve,I wish you a happy night;The white snow,green trees,deserve to go up Santa Claus gift;Greeting message,Christmas message to you。 To Christmas and wish you a merry Christmas!

37、Tonights the night is long, the ; Sincere best eone singing hymns, then you go and be kind to others. Christmas Eve dream god smile at you, that you are sure to get grace. If so, then you are free to enjoy life, enjoy happiness!




41、 驯鹿跳跳,带给你快乐;铃儿叮当,带给你美好;钟声敲响,带给你祝愿、平安夜,愿我最爱的老师事事都能如愿,笑容天天灿烂!

42、在这个平安夜,给我最重要的人一个最美的祝福,真心愿你平安快乐,青春美丽!温馨又冰冷的圣诞夜里,到我这里来吧!把冰冷给我,温馨你留下吧! On this Christmas Eve, give me the most beautiful blessing to the most important person. I sincerely wish you peace, happiness, and youthful beauty! Warm and cold Christmas night, come to me! Give me the cold, warm you stay!





47、today is Christmas Eve, it is said that today the apple placed on the top of the head can reach a wish. I tried, the results were achieved. You try it, soon. By the way, my desire is to fool the people look at the messages.

48、值此圣诞到来之际,我只有一句话要告诉你,今天早饭我没吃,中饭我没吃,下班我去找你。 On the occasion of Christmas, I have only one thing to tell you: I didnt have breakfast today, I didnt have lunch, and after work, I will go find you.

49、where are you now? There is a thing to tell you, you must be calm to be prepared, there are a group of people in the inquired about you, also said that catch light rao not you, him, one is called the god of wealth, a call almost every leader, is called happiness.



52、 平安夜到了,小时候是送自己画的画、上中学的时候,开始流行送贺卡、大学了,学会了给老师送花、现在工作忙,发个短信表示问候、祝老师平安夜快乐!

53、温馨季节,思念满怀,愿你圣诞快乐! Warm season, filled with longing, may you have a Merry Christmas!

54、圣诞节的祝福来到,忧愁烦恼赶紧绕道。祝你心情爽爽的,快乐款款的,亲情满满的,爱情甜甜的,身体壮壮的,事业棒棒的,生活润润的,幸福久久的。圣诞快乐! The blessings of Christmas have arrived, and the worries and troubles should be quickly avoided. Wishing you a refreshing and joyful mood, full of family affection, sweet love, strong body, great career, smooth life, and long-lasting happiness. Merry Christmas!

55、 平安夜的每一朵雪花飘下,每一个烟花燃起,每一秒时间流动,没一份思念传送,都代表着我想要送给你的每一个祝福,祝老师平安夜快乐,圣诞更快乐!



58、愿你在圣诞节来临之际,尽情的狂欢,畅快的豪饮,享受美好快乐的一天! May you have a good and happy day when christmas is coming!


60、 是您给我们解答难题,是您带我们走过风雨,是您用知识把我们哺育,让美丽的鲜花带着我们的敬意,让动听的旋律带给您一丝甜蜜,平安夜到了,老师,您辛苦了!

61、Blessed peace is a blessing,health,peace more live at night,I would have made peace,wish you a healthy spirit,happy to enjoy peace,people prosperous prosperous business prosperous,heart qi,shun prattison!


63、 是你那美丽动听的声音,教我唱响了幸福之歌、是你那纤细美柔的手指,教我开拓了光明前途、是你那渊博的智慧,教我在这里放飞梦想、祝你平安夜快乐!





68、晶莹的雪花,送来天空的祝愿;摇曳的烛光,是浪漫的拜访;彩色的圣诞树,是幸运的堆砌;鼓鼓的袜子,被祝福填满。祝你圣诞快乐,好运连连。 Crystal snowflakes bring blessings to the sky; The swaying candlelight is a romantic visit; Colorful Christmas trees are a lucky pile; The plump socks are filled with blessings. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and good luck.


70、 平安夜到了,怎么少得了我的祝福、我特此发来短信,别看这短信短小,但祝福精炼、希望你以后的生活,平平安安,快快乐乐!平安夜好梦!

71、 平安夜,为你祈一道平安符,许一份平安愿,聚一份平安情,送一份平安礼,铺一条平安路,搭一座平安桥,建一方平安地,得一生平安福、让你平安享人生,幸福走天下。

72、Share Christmas Eve fun cake, choutaibaichu laughter Yang window face cream, white eyebrows beard wearing dahongpao, dress up Santa Claus ACTS the role of god playing happy。 Wish friends happy Christmas Eve pleasure!

73、送你红色圣诞帽,吉星高照事业耀。 Send you a red christmas hat, shining with good fortune.

74、we wish you a merrchristmas.

75、圣诞老人圣诞鹿,圣诞袜子圣诞树。圣诞钟声圣诞歌,圣诞大餐秉火烛。圣诞卡片写吉祥,圣诞口袋装礼物。圣诞气氛渐渐浓,圣诞祝福别耽误! Santa Claus, Christmas Deer, Christmas Socks, Christmas Tree. The sound of Christmas bells and Christmas songs, the Christmas feast with candles. Christmas cards are written with auspiciousness, and Christmas pockets are filled with gifts. The Christmas atmosphere is gradually getting stronger, dont delay Christmas wishes!

76、没有雪花即使不浪漫也可过圣诞,有了祝福即使是寒冬也感到温暖,平安夜我在许愿:愿幸福和您终生相伴! Christmas can be celebrated without snowflakes, even if its not romantic. With blessings, even in the cold winter, I feel warm. On Christmas Eve, I am making a wish: May happiness be with you for life!


78、圣诞树上挂满了长长的思念,结出温暖的果实。圣诞颂歌诠释快乐的旋律,为你创造快乐。的氛围;圣诞苹果注满深深问候,为你一生平安保驾护航;圣诞短信写满真挚祝福,祝你圣诞节快乐! The Christmas tree is filled with long thoughts, bearing warm fruits. Christmas carols interpret joyful melodies and create happiness for you. The atmosphere; Christmas apples are filled with deep greetings, providing you with a safe and secure life; Christmas SMS filled with sincere wishes, wishing you a happy Christmas!

79、Wishing you a christmas of happy time and a new year of happy days. 愿圣诞是你快乐的时节,愿新年是你幸福的日子。



82、May the beauty and joy of Christmas remain with you throughout the new year!



85、如果说圣诞老人要我只许要一个礼物,那么我会对他说:“一个正在看这则短讯的人做我的礼物,生世世陪伴我!” If Santa Claus wants me to only ask for one gift, then I would say to him, "Someone who is reading this message is my gift, stay with me for eternity!"

86、will wait for you on the clock, Christmas Eve is to gently ring;I am a Christmas tree, waiting for you to silently make a wish;On Christmas Eve, and sent to you the most beautiful words, the most intimate of SMS, the most sincere blessing:I wish a merry Christmas。

87、 平安夜里钟声传,吉祥如意都来临,平安夜里祝福送,真心真意真情感、祝我亲爱的老师平安夜里快乐至,幸福美满万万年!


89、Always cant forget some things, some people are always lingering around, it is so wonderful to meet, the life is so good, work is important, the mood also want to set, before the arrival of Christmas Eve bless you!



92、烟花的一瞬是快乐,流星的一瞬是祈愿,思念的一瞬是感动,而我只想让你在看到短信的一瞬间能够明白:我是真心的祝你一生幸福!圣诞节快乐! The moment of fireworks is a moment of happiness, the moment of shooting stars is a prayer, the moment of missing is a moment of emotion, and I just want you to understand at the moment you see the text message: I sincerely wish you a happy life! Merry Christmas!

93、世界如此的忙碌,用心的人就会幸福;想你的脸,心里就温暖;想你的嘴,笑容跟着灿烂!随着圣诞节的到来,关心你的人要跟你说声:圣诞快乐! The world is so busy, and those who put in their hearts will be happy; Thinking of your face warms my heart; Thinking of your mouth, your smile follows brilliantly! With the arrival of Christmas, those who care about you want to say to you: Merry Christmas!


95、 平安夜里送你一个十分的祝福!用它为你换取一个平安果!让平安果给你带来平安的一生!拥有平安的一生等于终生的幸福!平安夜快乐!


97、 用看透内心的眼神,因才施教,成就学子,人生辉煌;用激情不怠的精神,展示人性,无怨无悔,作为榜样;你的形象,高大明亮!平安夜到,祝老师健康!

